Wednesday, 2 October 2019

What works, what doesn't

This re-imagining of a stomach, I'm not sure about. Maybe a soft dark glaze would change my mind, but I don't feel particularly strongly either way about the piece. I wouldn't put it in my show. But it's also worth remembering that not every piece has to be a winner. I think that I just wanted to explore the potential of carving into clay a little more.

This seed pod like shape was a thought about a vulva, but I think that the imagery is a little too literal. The immediacy of the concept isn't really how I like to work. I want there to be more ambiguity and gentleness to the work. I like the fact that it is tactile and weighty though.

I am really happy with this heart. I really like the idea of working deeper into the concept of the orifice. The value of the orifice in the work is also the fact that there is the potential for expansion from the singularity of the sculpture into something larger- I imagine maybe some copper pipes coming out, like veins and ventricles. I don't like the colour though- I would like to try glazing with a soft iron oxide or maybe a dark brown.

Another kind of heart, this one faceted, to explore a different kind of tactility with the objects. I want to move away from the possibility of all of the sculptures looking the same. I want the work to have similar qualities to the organs in an actual body, in the way that each organ has different properties.

I'm not happy with this piece. There is something about the form that I find ungainly, and the overglazing gives it a childlike quality. It looks too much like a faux animal, and the contrast of the crank clay and the glaze is unattractive to me. I don't like the shiny quality of the glaze. The black is also too harsh.

I really like this series of tiny organs, and I'd like to work with smaller objects more. I was thinking of the smaller, neglected organs like the thyroid, the larynx, the eardrum ect. I liked working these small objects as if they might be tiny ritualistic instruments. I am undecided about the soft grey mottled glaze, I can't work out whether it works or not.

This is a tragic failure in using wax resist and black glaze. The object itself is satisfying, inspired by a liver or pancreas, or another small organ. I will re glaze it and hopefully fix it

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