Friday, 7 February 2020

Forced Collaboration

"Forced Collaboration"
"Forced Friendship"
"Friend Tape"

I was playing and being silly with Nathan Henton (2nd year) in his studio, and we taped his hands to mine to play the guitar together, as one. It kind of worked, but we couldn't play the guitar with the ease of one hand. This got me thinking about the possibility of working in a performance context with some kind of binding that ties two bodies together, entering into the liminal space between the two participants' autonomy. I'd like to make some kind of FCC- Forced Collaboration Costume, that combines the two bodies in a constricting way that doesn't allow either body to have complete control over the situation. There would be a list of tasks to carry out as one- perhaps in the normative ideals of making art- we would sing a song, paint a picture, make a hand built pot, write a story. Everything would be improvised. This performance activity would require a complete surrender of control by both participants.

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