Thursday, 27 February 2020

Lygia Clarke, Irene Clairemont de Castillejo

Lygia Clarke- constructivist Brazillian artist of the 70's, interesting to me because of the work she made that encouraged some kind of intimacy, some kind of collaborative experience. I love the idea of making work that brings people together in a tender moment, without words, sharing space. This thought process partly comes from the idea of Maddie, Simon and I - sharing our breath in a small room, creating something ritualistic and tender without needed to orchestrate tenderness through conversation, touch or eye contact. Got me thinking of the broad chage of ways to feel intimate with someone, without necessarily continuing a relationship.

Lots of this also comes from a book that i read years ago called "Knowing woman" by Irene Clairemont de Castillejo, in which she talks about the idea of having a 'Meeting'- having some kind of fleeting, but intimate encounter, not necessarily with someone who is actually in your life. The intimacy can be derived from a look, a shared realisation, conversation, or none of the above. This brief meeting can be more special and memorable than whole years of relationships that are empty of 'meetings'. I love this idea of the tender moment between strangers.

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