Friday, 31 January 2020

Exploration of Lingual atrophy and paralinguistic communication

Exploration of Lingual atrophy and paralinguistic communication


Of meaning

No longer linear or sensical, but lateral and sensory.

Ritualized sound building with the voice, the tongue, the teeth, the breath, the cheeks and lips.

Forming an elemental relationship to sound making which invites enquiry, exploration and engages with verbal degeneration.
Accessing the guttural and primal use of the voice formative in our understanding of language, and delving beyond it into the subtle aspects of communication that influence our processing of the world. It is from these foundations that children build their language and thus their understanding of their environment, it is with a ritualised and intentional practice we oscillate back to this form of phonetic expression.

Exploring lingual habits that don’t conform to English Language and social contract- the whistling of Silbo, the clicking of Xhosa, Bulgarian ‘second voice’, Irish Keening and beyond.


Andy Kaufman

Adriano Celentano

Feral Children

Gaelic Lament

Midsommar Keening

Limmy, fear and non verbal narrative making

Roomful of teeth

Xhosa, Miriam Makeba

Inuit throat singing, breath as instrument

Compositions of non articulate singing

Misunderstanding as comedy trope

Life without buildings, lack of conformity to narrative or meaning

Sue Tompkins, exploration of words without context

Viridian Ensemble

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