Wednesday, 22 January 2020

New Phase

Starting back after the Christmas break. I got a first for both my studio work and my Dissertation, which I feel good about because it makes it feel very possible to get a first overall in this degree, but I don't want to congratulate myself too much, because although I am proud of the work that I have been marked on, I'm conscious that it still needs to progress and concerned about making room for that progression. 
I have been having lots of thoughts about materials, like introducing resin to the sculptures, functioning like the egg white under the terracotta shell (which I would either smash myself or invite the viewer to smash) but I'm concerned that working in these new ways would just be an elaboration of the work that I have been making already, rather than a progression from it. I want to feel like the work I make matures conceptually, rather than just continues along the same lines.

I still feel that I want to work with bodily themes, but maybe thinking more about the containment that the vessel enacts. Maybe the disposal of the sculptures that I have made could be a piece of art in itself- I have thought about placing them in an outside space, a garden etc, and filming their slow return to earth, like a body farm or a grave, but that is a very final disposal. I also wonder if doing that says more about the earth and terra cotta than the body and the sphincter, which would be slightly worrying for me because although I value the ambiguity of the work, I also have a clear vision of the ways I want the work to speak to the viewer.

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